Redland City Bulletin

Treat yourself to a great phone plan this Christmas

Knowledge is power: Finding the right mobile phone plan for your needs is not as difficult as you think and could save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.
Knowledge is power: Finding the right mobile phone plan for your needs is not as difficult as you think and could save you hundreds of dollars in the long run.

This is advertiser content for Pennytel.

This Christmas if you are lucky enough to be gifted a phone or are looking to upgrade your existing one, it could be time to find a new mobile plan that suits you.

To help you make the right decision here’s some insightful knowledge to consider.

What part does the SIM card in your life play?

Mobile connectivity revolves around the SIM card. If this is the point at which your eyes glaze over it might be worth learning what this tiny but essential part of your mobile phone does.

Imagine your SIM as a small computer chip that allows you to connect to the mobile network. This small chip is easily removable and user friendly to insert into any compatible mobile device.

Treat yourself to a great phone plan this Christmas
Treat yourself to a great phone plan this Christmas

In the past, when providers used to lock you into contracts, mobile phones were also locked with that same provider. 

However, these days, in most cases, you are not locked into a particular provider meaning your phone is free to use with whoever you choose.

It’s easy to check, a quick call to your current provider will tell you if your phone is unlocked and if not, it’s a simple fix and you’re within your rights to request this.

Buying a smartphone outright versus on a plan

If you are looking for a new phone, buying a smartphone outright is almost always cheaper in the long run, compared to locking yourself into a two year contract.

Also, when you buy outright you own the phone and can choose your provider. This opens up a world of choice for paying less on your monthly phone bill and to find a reasonably priced plan.

Why a SIM plan might be right for you

Treat yourself to a great phone plan this Christmas
Treat yourself to a great phone plan this Christmas

All the big telcos, and small providers, offer customers a ‘SIM only’ option for post-paid, prepaid and pay as you go plans.

With more competition than ever these days, post-paid deals have improved to suit consumers and companies now offer no lock-in contracts.  

Take Pennytel, for example, they offer post-paid plans with no lock-in contract, giving you the best of both worlds; the value of a post-paid plan and the flexibility of a prepaid plan.

Other perks of a post-paid plan include the assurance that you’ll be able to call, text and go online whenever you want without fear of being stranded due to running out of credits, a scenario anyone on prepaid can relate to.

This Christmas, Pennytel are offering big savings on all mobile plans. For more information on great value post-paid plans, call Pennytel on 1300 262 146.

This is advertiser content from Pennytel